Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Church of St. Domino

Today is Sunday.
Most Christians have a habit of going to church on Sundays. 
I've been a pretty lazy Christian.

After 8 months here, I have to say I still haven't gotten used to the 2-3 hour ordeals that make "sabbath" mornings seem anything but restful. This morning though, Dan was gonna be driving a friend to the capitol and it was just us girls here in the house. So Nicole and I, in our Sunday best, took off wobbling into town on the pasola. And, suprisingly, it was GOOD. SO good! We sang songs that no one knew the words to and added to the syncopated clapping. We greeted one another- getting up out of our seats and mingling until we'd shook the hand, kissed the cheek, embraced or blessed every last one of them. Then we prayed together, holding the hand of the person standing next to us, asking them specifically, personally what was on their heart that morning that we could lift up to Jesus. It was COMMUNITY and it was BEAUTIFUL. 

... then the pastor got up and played the SCARIEST video I've ever seen in my life. It involved lots of fire and yelling and judgement in more fiery explosions... my heart sunk. 

So of course, afterward Nicole and I went to vent about it over a delicious cup of Dominican coffee. Nicole said, "Is it wrong that the best "church" that I can think of is hanging out around a domino board, spending time with a boy who I know feels unloved?"

I agree. As I think back over the moments that I've most enjoyed here: the moments that we shared with new friends, opened our hearts, had real conversations, laughed until we cried, and let ourselves sink into each other's lives, SO many of them happen around a domino board. After dinner at a friend's house- we pull out the domino board. Every evening, huddled together under a street lamp there is a group of men, young and old, intensely chattering about the game at hand while pieces *SMACK! SMACK!* the table. This afternoon we went to a funeral, family came together to mourn the death of their sister, and gathered in the street the uncles and cousins, friends and neighbors shared a game of dominoes. A game that brings people together, on good days and bad to share their lives. They create COMMUNITY and it is BEAUTIFUL. 

I will always think gathering together on Sunday mornings to worship, pray, learn and grow together is important. However, for me, it's the other 6 days- those spent in conversations, borrowed cups of sugar, holding one another when there's nothing left to say and shouting excitedly over domino victories- that "church" is REALLY all about. 

1 comment:

  1. Kari,
    You speak my sentiments so eloquently! I often find that my "church" comes in my connections with others. So often I go to church and walk in alone. Many people are with family and so involved in that way that I feel alone. I don't believe church is a place where one should feel lonelier than when he or she is out and about. True communion with others is the truest form of church. Yours happens to be over dominoes. As Juan Ernesto would say . . . AAAAAmmmmmeeeeeennnn.
