Monday, January 3, 2011

The Day of New Beginnings...

Happy New Year Everyone!

Dan and I just got back from Boston, where we went to stay with an old friend for New Year's weekend. Unfortunately the night we arrived Dan came down with a pretty nasty bug and as a result New Year's Eve was spent swaddled on a couch, watching Scrubs reruns (it's one of Dan's favorite shows though, so it was not a complete loss!)
It didn't really feel like a new year at all actually, until today, when I woke up to a silent house, but ridiculously loud thoughts. And not even good thoughts- just wimpy ones you would expect before a major life change, like: 'Am I ready for this?', 'What should I be expecting?' or 'What happens if...?'.
For Christmas Dan bought me a book with quotes and thoughts from Mother Teresa. I LOVE the book, but I'm gonna be honest and say they could probably have saved a lot on paper. As far as I can tell, pretty much everything that she said came back to the same 2 points. 1. Silence yourself before God so you may know and hear Him, and 2. Love every person as though it were Jesus himself. Those 2 points have been haunting me. Not only have my thoughts been keeping my inner-self far from silent, but they are all so 'me' focused- all thoughts about my abilities, my readiness, or my comfort.

So if you pray for us, please let this be your prayer: that we become silent before God so we may know and hear Him, and to love every person as though they were Jesus himself. Pray that 2011 isn't a great year in the Dan or Kari story, but that it may be a great year in God's story.

I would also like to take a moment to thank those of you who have responded to our support letters- whether with financial or spiritual support. I can't begin to tell you how much you have blessed us. God has spoken to us through you and we have felt so much confirmation that we are right where he wants us to be. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

Dan and Kari

A few last notes:
*Praise God for our finances to cover our first few months in the Dominican! We are now set to buy our tickets and embark on this adventure!
*Prayer for these weeks before we leave. There is a lot to be done and we aren't always sure where to start. Pray that our time would be used wisely.
*Prayer for Safety in travel. We are still planning a trip back to Minneapolis before we leave, pray that winter storms will take a break so we could have smooth sailing on the 18 hour drive!


  1. hooray! lots of great news. you guys are in our prayers and we can't wait to see you soon :)

  2. Tara was sick too over new years, so we watched a House Hunters Marathon. All of us Minnisnowtans cannot wait to see you!

  3. I'm so glad you're blogging!!! I am so eager to watch this adventure unfold in your lives. I've been and will continue to be praying for you two as you are preparing for the DR. Love you two!
