Saturday, January 15, 2011

The morning I was grateful to be alive...

Good morning!

It is a coffee-is-my-best-friend and why-does-the-puppy-insist-on-waking-up-at-this-hour? kind of a morning.
Between sickness and some pretty stressful travel planning that needed to happen, the last few weeks have been somewhat less than exciting at the Straley household. It seemed that dreary days of winter had finally settled in. So we did the next logical thing and drove to a mountain (they have those here in New England- it's wonderful!) for a long-overdue day of fun :)

We had a beautiful (albeit FREEZING) day of snowboarding in Vermont!

I think this is moment that Dan began to regret his "man-uary" beard

Dan really has a knack for taking candid-blurry photographs

Now, this morning, every one of my poor little muscles is reminding me of all that great fun we had and just how grateful I am to be right where I am. Every day that goes by I get more excited about the adventure that we have coming, but Dan did a good job of reminding me the other night that we are still right where we are for a reason. The time is going fast, but there are still 23 days here ready to be filled rather than just gotten through. Whether it is holding each other while we slowly freeze to death on a chair-lift, or being more intentional with spending time with family here at the house, I want to make these days count...


  1. Oh Kari! I am praying for you two! And SO needed to hear this - "The time is going fast, but there are still _ days here ready to be filled rather than just gotten through." SO so true :)

  2. Kari I love you and miss you more than words can say! I will be praying for you and Dan.

  3. Off the subject question:
    Do either of you play guitar? Would you like for the Grace Bible Church Team to possible donate a nice one to the Guesthouse?

  4. Mission Team:

    Yes! I do! ...or that's to say, I DID. We've been moving around for several years and mine has been in a different state and as a result I'm sure I all but lost any skill that I once had. But I was just talking to Dan about how much I wished we had room to bring one down with us because I would love to pick it up again! If you have the room and it wouldn't be missed, I'm sure that we could give it a great home and it would be a lot of fun to play again. Thank you for thinking of us! We are SO looking forward to meeting you all!


  5. I'm so glad there will be another guitarist around!! Pastor Steve was going to be our main guitar guy but he can't come on the trip because he tore his knee up two weeks ago.I play guitar but cannot sing! Maybe we can jam ;-} I am working on details of how to bring a guitar with us and have it arrive in one piece.
    We are all looking forward to meeting you also. We are all also very excited to be back in the DR.
    Your post on what the real answer to prayer is. Several of our team have had to cancel due to medical issues. You put into words exactly how I've been feeling!
