Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 Yep, it is May already and we are spending the day prepping for our group that will be arriving on Saturday. It's hard to believe that 5 weeks of break flew by so fast, but it's been absolutely fantastic. We worked hard, we played hard, we visited with friends and had friends come to visit us. We discovered new places and got more settled in the old ones. It's been a time of rest and of growth and enjoying the simple everyday joys of hard work, good conversations with friends and searching for seashells on the shore.

Here's a few images we captured along the way:
Our friend Kristi Came for a visit and worked hard to organize our  medical room!
Out for a night of baseball with friends :)
Dan putting his new scuba gear to good use to unclog the cistern
A small hotel we found in paradise
Having homemade bread and fresh mango jelly , overlooking the ocean on the morning of Dan's 27th Birthday!

Our new favorite beach! 

Had a coral reef for us to try out our new snorkel gear on- it was SO beautiful!
We love living here!
Parents come to visit!
Lunch and card playing on the ocean

Our hotel in Santo Domingo
Touring the Colonial Zone

So, as you can imagine, we feel incredibly blessed! Blessed by family and friends who love and support what we are doing here, and blessed by this beautiful country and people! 
The break was everything that we hoped it would be and more. Now we are actually very anxious to get back to doing our job. Our next group is a small one of only 6 students. I think it is going to be a ton of fun to get to know them and hopefully I will even be able to go out with them to the barrios this week! It should be a good easy start to what is sure to be a packed and busy summer. 

If you think of it, keep praying that Dan and I would have better servants hearts- toward the community and each other. Funny thing, but becoming a missionary doesn't automatically make it easy to serve and give all the time. haha, I was kinda hoping it would come with the package, but turns out I'm the same old sinful me, struggling to remember to spend time with God and with the same selfishness and desire for control.

Thank you always friends, for your love and support. We need you and your prayers SO much. 
Much love, 

Dan and Kari

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