Monday, February 6, 2012

$33 Food challenge: Day One

So day one of eating on $33 a day was less than fun. 

For starters Kari is not going to try it this week (her sister is in town) so I cut the amount if half rounding down to $16. I skipped breakfast which was easy. I had oatmeal for lunch which was less then fun seeing as I am not an oatmeal fan at all so dumped brown sugar on it to make it tolerable. That resulted in a sugar rush and later crash. The worst part was after eating oatmeal until I couldn’t stand it, I was still hungry. For dinner I watch everyone eat pasta with cheese, sausage and mushrooms, brownies, fresh green beans and fruit while I had two pieces of white toast without butter and two eggs. I even ate the heal of the loaf which I would normally discard. I guess eating on so little money makes you never throw food away. I was very pleased with the eggs though. Even though I did not grease the pan I was able to have them over easy with out the yokes breaking. Seems small I know, but trust me today was a challenge. I would be lying if I said at no point did I think about quitting.

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