Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Day We Threw a Party...

We knew that our road trip was nearing an end and we were reaching our destination when the in-car display told is we had reach sub-zero temperatures. Ah, Minnesota. There really is nowhere quite like it :)

In addition to sub-arctic conditions, we were so glad to be welcomed by the whole family when we rolled in just in time to share in a delicious birthday meal for my sister, Sandi. Phase one of our adventure was complete! Thank you to all of you who prayed for our safe travels, despite the crazy weather throughout the country, our ride was incident free and quite smooth! We read books a new book out-loud to each other, sang along to Mumford and Sons at the top of our lungs and held contests to see who could average a better MPG behind the wheel (it was Dan, in case you were wondering, he drove like a grandma, haha).

As always, the week has been full and fast, but wonderful. We are so grateful that we were able to make it out to see our family. Now today will be our official "Going Away" party with extended family and friends. We hope to eat lots, play tons of games, and even make it out for some boot hockey and hot chocolate later tonight! It is going to be a full day, but we are hoping it will be filled with less 'bitter' and more 'sweet' goodbyes. Maybe post some pictures later! ....

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