Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Series of Long Days....

The last few days might as well have been a few months. I cannot believe the amount of things that happen in one day's time here! In honor of this series of long days, I've complied this series of awesome things that have happened in them:

1. As the result of a lot of head scratching, sweat and tears, a couple of guys from our group with some electrical experience were able to solve a wiring problem that apparently has been unable to be solved since the dawn of time around here! As a result we have light in two very important rooms that never had them before! Woo-hoo!

2. Nicole invited us to have dinner with herself and another missionary couple here in San Juan. Miguel and Kristen work for Adventures in Missions and have been living here for over 6 years. We sat out on their BEAUTIFUL patio, chatted, ate yummy tacos and began a friendship that will hopefully last a long time :)

3. The blue truck is working! Dan and I technically own 2 super beastly Toyota Hilux's, however the blue truck is touchy and had been out of commission since we arrived- but yesterday we got it fixed! (at least for now, haha) I drove it for the first time to bring the group to the flag raising. 
Driving that truck is an adventure- to say the least!

4. One of the groups down this week is the VanVleet family. Dorothy VanVleet, I've been told, is 85 years old. She first came to the Dominican as a missionary in 1949 and spent most of her life here. When we went to church on Sunday, one of the elders pulled us aside and said, "It is because of the ministry of this woman that my father came to the Lord and as a result our whole family now knows and follows God. She is one of the reasons that this church was founded and exists." Wow. That gave me goosebumps! Sometimes I find myself wondering how much difference one person can really make. What a great reminder that, when God's working in us, there is no limit to how much he can use us!

5. As a result of some botched reservations, Dan and I ended up skipping our night at the Capella resort and spending 2 nights in the Lina hotel instead. It turned out to be a wonderful break for us and we even got to have our first "date night" since being here, thanks to a fancy Japanese restaurant they have in the hotel lobby (Yes, Dan got his sushi!)

6. The group this week brought us a couple of care packages that were WONDERFUL!! I don't know how they knew to bring all the right things that we hadn't even asked for! haha, we got spoiled with Girl Scout Cookies (even Samoas- my favorite! and Thin Mints- Dan's favorite), Orbitz gum (also my favorite), Milky Way bar (ummm...favorite), Reese's (Dan's favorite), Sour Patch kids (yep- favorite). They even brought Diego some doggy treats! Lol, maybe we are just easy to please, but it was fun to be spoiled non-the-less!

Now all of that is not to say that this week has been completely smooth- FAR from it, I assure you! We have had plenty of craziness and our stress levels have been on a roller coaster. But the point is that we get to the end of every day feeling satisfied and blessed. We have no doubt that we are exactly where we are supposed to be and we are truly happier than we have been in a long time. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, do any of those VanVleets have relatives here in Minnesota? If so you may be related to them by marriage (VanVleet is my mom's maiden name) :)

    Glad to hear things are going well for you guys down there! Love you!
